American Idol, final 5

I'm having a few new thoughts about the competition...which is shifting my favorites...
I thought the intent of the show was to find the next teen-star...someone that would appeal to the 12-18 year olds...not necessarily the most talented.
Latoya has an incredible Broadway voice...but I don't know that she could appeal to a young crowd. Fantasia is in that category contemporary is more likely.
They all gave great performances last's getting really tough.
I'm putting Diana at the top of my list. I think she could appeal to the younger group...and cross over to adults.
Fantasia and LaToya should be on Broadway before the end of the year!
I thought the intent of the show was to find the next teen-star...someone that would appeal to the 12-18 year olds...not necessarily the most talented.
Latoya has an incredible Broadway voice...but I don't know that she could appeal to a young crowd. Fantasia is in that category contemporary is more likely.
They all gave great performances last's getting really tough.
I'm putting Diana at the top of my list. I think she could appeal to the younger group...and cross over to adults.
Fantasia and LaToya should be on Broadway before the end of the year!
What did all of you think about Simon's comments to Fantasia . . . that "Fantasia and Latoya are in separate categories" or something like that. Was he complimenting Fantasia or insulting her, I wasn't sure.
My favorite, EITHER Jasmine or Diana, I keep switching between the two.
Kelly Clarkson, Ruben and Clay all have broad appeal and I wouldn't categorize any of them as a teen star.
While Fantasia was performing last night, I told my wife that La Toya and Fantasia are in a league of their own. Later, Simon confirmed it.
I think La Toya is more well rounded to appeal to a bigger audience. My money is on her.
I think Jasmine is leaving tonight. The competition is just too tough and while she is good, at this point good just isn't going to cut it anymore.
And again, I just have to say how touching it is to see the contestants so supportive of one another....If you had the sound off, you'd've never known if it was George or Jasmine that was leaving!!!
Fantasia and Latoya are certainly in a class of their own as Simon has expressed numerous times. By far the most talented in the last 3 years! Diana has really surprised me. I envision her in a few years and only see her getting better and better with the same "Performance" as the other two.
Really hated to see George go. He has such a persona about himself.
Jasmine is so bland, she will be next.
I'm sure that Jasmine will go tonight, she seemed to know it at the end of her 2nd performance too. But, I do have to say that I didn't hate "it's raining men" nearly as much as the judges. I thought it was much much better than her first song.
and, I was not at all impressed by LaToya. I agree with Simon that she has a nice voice (although she got props for her 2nd song, I thought it was pretty bad, compared to her ability) but she's kind of boring to watch. With Fantasia, while her voice isn't my favorite, she's taken songs and turned them around to suit her...she gets her groove on...and is fun to watch.
Diana too....she is just fun..and has a great set of lungs on top of it. She LOOKS like she's having fun...I can't say that for LaToya....
is it just me?
I agree Jasmine is going to go tonight. She is cleary not up to par with the other 3.
Diana did stand out last night, and for the first time I thought she might actually win this thing. And she definitely looks like she is having a great time.
I'm not a big fan of Fantasia. She can sing great, but I can't see myself listening to a whole CD of hers. She reminds me of Macy Gray, they both have unique styles and voices, but after awhile the novelty of it wears off, and becomes annoying.
Jasmine should be buying a lottery ticket right now because she is the luckiest girl in town. For her not to even be in the bottom 2 is ridiculous.
They just lost the best singer in the contest.
Diana will probably win now, but someone please get that girl a stylist. She looked like she was wearing a maternity outfit tonight. And I don't know what the heck Fantasia was wearing either. Sorry, I'm just a little disappointed right now.
I agree totally that LaToya has an amazing voice and is incredibly talented. She will no doubt be successful in the business. I think you're right that a lot of younger teens vote more so than adults( I don't vote)...and I agree that they are looking for someone "fun" in addition to talented. LaToya is so polished and poised that I think the younger crowd misses the dancing and playfulness that is seen in Diana and Fantasia especially.
This is why I said earlier that sometimes this seems like a "teen" idol.
I can't help but think how hard it must be for the contestant that the judges thought should go home to sit there while someone else is voted off. I'll give Jasmine credit for grace in that situation. And to LaToya, again they are setting such a great example.
The other thing I can say is that seeing a performance live is much different than in person. I have been rivited by shows when I'm in the audience, only to see it later on TV and be bored to tears. This is a media driven stage presence does not always carry over onto TV well...and a majority of the voting audience is probably watching at home.
I don't really know if Diana or Fantasia will win now...I think Fantasia is more consistent and interesting to watch, but I have issues with her personality. Diana needs a different stylist because her wardrobe is usually not that flattering. She has improved a lot over the weeks and seems like a genuinely nice person though. Who knows what will happen, right?
Think back to LeeAnn Rimes...she had a similar issue. It will pass!!!
In a word, Jasmine's performances last night were just Bland. She just doesn't have what it takes right now to really add anything to the songs that she sings. With voice training and time she'll be great- just not right now.
Fantasia is just a pro. She sings with confidence and always seems to add something to the song. I've never seen her to have a cocky attitude though. I still wouldn't buy a CD of hers but I wouldn't change the radio station if she was singing.
Diana has certainly come a long way. She's way better than Jasmine, but not as good as Fantasia.
I think she'll probably win because too many people are rubbed the wrong way by Fantasia.
Fantasia has toned down her 'tude quite a lot over the last month or so. In the beginning she used to argue with Simon and the judges about the critque...but a lot of what comes off as 'tude to some of us, may be strength to another....I find her to be much more lady-like and graceful now than in the beginning. She does have a great way of making a song seem like it was written for her.
In that respect, she beats out Diana, but Diana has a more traditional radio type voice. I feel like I'm less inclined to be tired of Diana after a song or two.
But truthfully, both of these ladies are great and they will both go onto fantastic things.
Did any of you get the impression that Simon was not at all impressed by either the Aussie Idol or by Tamyra Gray? He kept laying his head on the desk....
although, I was not so impressed by Guy either..he was good...but too much vibrato...he seemed to be a mix of Aaron Neville and Richard Simmons! xflash
One thing I'm sure of, I will not miss Randy's critiques, giving props, yo man, dude, etc. What language is that anyway?