American Idol...

OK, I confess, I'm hooked. x:-8
Typically, I don't watch reality shows...but I got turned onto American Idol this season...and I enjoy listening to kids that can really sing...and even the constructive offerings from the judges...I also like that the producers have not installed a "back stage cam" and enouraged the contestants to be mean and rude to each other. Although they are each seeking to win...they seem to be supportive and genuinely appreciative of everyone's talents.
Having the contestants get cut is harsh and they build up the suspense more than is necessary, but they aren't mean and really praise the departing singer.
Is it just me?
Typically, I don't watch reality shows...but I got turned onto American Idol this season...and I enjoy listening to kids that can really sing...and even the constructive offerings from the judges...I also like that the producers have not installed a "back stage cam" and enouraged the contestants to be mean and rude to each other. Although they are each seeking to win...they seem to be supportive and genuinely appreciative of everyone's talents.
Having the contestants get cut is harsh and they build up the suspense more than is necessary, but they aren't mean and really praise the departing singer.
Is it just me?
Last night I was glad to see Leah Labelle go. Good name, pretty girl, but way too young and scared up on stage. Even my husband said it looked like she was pulled up from the audience and hadn't a clue what to do.
Early on favorites are John Peter Louis, George Huff, Jasmine Trias and Diane DeGarmo (think I spelled them right). Fantasia has a good voice as does the London girl, Jennifer I believe was her first name.
I whole heartedly agree with the judges that this top 12 has by far the most people who can sing and are entertaining.
It will be interesting to watch it unfold...and I'm glad to know I'm not alone!!!
I started watching last season and became hooked. There are so many this year that are good, although it didn't seem so until they narrowed it down to 12. It's hard to pick a favorite, although I think the females are mostly more talented (sorry guys!). I definitely think Matt Rogers needs to go next! I just cringe whenever he is on screen because his personality is so grating.
Who is the good looking, hair-thinning, goatee guy? Don't tell me that's the one with the personality problem . . . I would like to see him continue on. (I hope he's still there, haven't watched yet this week).
I promise to tune in more next week so I know what I'm talking about, in the meantime, keep us up-to-date! x:D
I kind of feel bad for the red-haired kid...I think he does have talent...and he is different...but he's just lacking the charisma that some of the more seasoned ones have. I feel the same way about was just too much for her.
I really like Jasmine (the one with the flower in her hair)... she has a great voice and her presence is just different from LaToya's....I think it may come down to these two.
It will be hard to see George go...he really does just light up the stage....
I was really impressed with Diana Degarmo...and again, Latoya...and surprisingly, Amy.
Matt, Camille, and Jennifer seem the most likely to be voted off...
what do you think?
I'm not a big fan of Country music, but I was really impressed with some of the perormances.
My money is on Latoya to win it all. She's been the most consistent. But with the wacky voting audience, you never know.
The red-haired guy has to go!
We'll probably see him peddling some product in the future!
Very surprised to see Diana Degarmo in the bottom 3....what do you guys think of that?
Are any of you voting or just watching? I've only been watching...but 19 million voters is a lot!
Matt is gone - hooray! We probably have not seen the end of him yet though.... I can see him doing sports reporting, given how much he liked to bring up the Rose Bowl before! (he was on a winning team before)
Yes, I tried voting for Matt, but the lines were busy the entire time!
I am pleased to see that Diana was in the top 3 last night. She deserved it for her Tuesday night performance. She is young and lacks some of the polish and the "contact with audience' that LaToya has, but she does have an excellent voice. She is a hometown favorite and from what I understand a really nice kid. Great manners. I can't wait to see the dress she wears next week if Simon does go shopping with her. (I can't figure out why he won't say anything nice about her. I think he realizes that she will have a hard time in the music industry because she is too nice.)
There are several folks there who have great voices, but some I have a hard time understanding, words are slurred.
E Wart
I find that most of them are respectful of the comments and critique of the performance...even if they are dying inside.
She has an interesting voice...but I have a hard time with the it me?
I know that everyone but LaToya and Amy had an 'off' night, but even Simon said (LOL) that it's the whole 'country' thing.
It's getting harder and harder to choose...
Motown...I have to admit that I was anticipating an upbeat exciting show...but was many of the singers were may have been that the band was too loud...but most did not stand out...
Camille, The red-head-John (i think), Jennifer Hudson, John Peter Lewis...any of these could be voted off...
Jasmine, Diana, Latoya, Fantasia, and George all gave good performances....
I still have a hard time with Fantasia's personna...
what did you think of the guest judges??
Fantasia's personality doesn't bother me so much - she really looks like a professional performer whenever she sings though.
For the record, Idol is the ONLY reality tv I watch!
The kids aren't forced to eat weird things or do dangerous stunts..they sing. and if they sing well, they get to come back.
I didn't see that coming...and LaToya in the bottom 3????
I never imagined that Amy would win...but she is certainly better than John, Camille, and even Jennifer...