First Responders

Does any one have First Responders in the workplace? We have decided to implement one and have a policy for our participating employees....but we've had a hard time getting qualified people for 2nd and 3rd shifts. The security guards (contracted through an outside company) have expressed an interest in the training (paid for by us)..but we will need to add an addendum to their contract detailing liability and so forth...
does anyone have a similar policy prepared?
does anyone have a similar policy prepared?
We didn't see a need for an internal policy either, we'd just planned to keep records, much like you do.
There seems to be a bit of a status symbol affect here attached to being on the first responder team. They get to attend multiple paid training sessions, attend safety meetings on the clock, get shirts with their designation on them and thgey get an occasional off-site lunch. I guess it's just the additional pride, sort of like when Goober saved Andy's life in the filling station when Andy passed out from the gas leak.
We'll see how it works out...hopefully, we'll never need the services!!
Do you do your training through the Red Cross?