Cobra Notices

I am new to the Cobra world. I have the "Qualifying Event Notice" and the "Very Important Notice". I don't have a specific "Initial Notice". Can the "Very Important Notice" form be used as the "Initial Notice" form?
I just read an article on Cobra and it said that there are seven notices that can get sent out for Cobra.
1. Initial Cobra Notice: when the employee/spouse first enrolls
2. qualifying event notice: when they loose coverage
3. open enrollment notices and nofication of plan changes: if the plan changes while they are on Cobra
4. extension notices: only if you can extend coverage
6. conversion notice: this needs to be sent out within 180 days prior to the experation of Cobra coverage
7. insignificant premium underpayment: typically if they don't pay the full amount you should give them 30 days to pay the balance
I got this information from COBRA ADVISORY, Volume 4, Issue 5, Sept. 2000 I could give you a copy of my inital notice if you want, maybe it is the same as your "very important notice"