When the Police show up at your door

Unfortunately it has come to the point where we are asking ourselves "What is protocol when the police show up to arrest an employee?"
We have agreed amongst ourselves that it would be best to stay on the side of the local police department and accomodate wherever reasonable. That is, if the employee is at work, we will call the individual up to the front office and request it be handled as discreetly as possible.
However, does anyone know (and this might be by State) what an employer's obligation is to the police when you know there is a warrant for the arrest of your employee, and this employee shows up for work? Are we obligated to contact the police and tell them the employee is here?
Current situation: Police came in last Friday, and this Monday to arrest the employee as they can't seem to locate him outside of work. Both Friday and Monday the employee called in and we granted vacation time. (Our emergency vac requests are lax right now as we are really slow and are allowing employees to use vac immediately upon request, as opposed to 2 weeks notice). In any case, when the officers arrived Monday, they told me that they had a warrant for arrest. The employee did not show for work yesterday, however he called in to work today. He wants to know if he returns to work this afternoon if we will call the police. I'm inclined to say NO, however I don't know if we are obligated (question posed above) to do so. Any input here would be greatly appreciated!!
We have agreed amongst ourselves that it would be best to stay on the side of the local police department and accomodate wherever reasonable. That is, if the employee is at work, we will call the individual up to the front office and request it be handled as discreetly as possible.
However, does anyone know (and this might be by State) what an employer's obligation is to the police when you know there is a warrant for the arrest of your employee, and this employee shows up for work? Are we obligated to contact the police and tell them the employee is here?
Current situation: Police came in last Friday, and this Monday to arrest the employee as they can't seem to locate him outside of work. Both Friday and Monday the employee called in and we granted vacation time. (Our emergency vac requests are lax right now as we are really slow and are allowing employees to use vac immediately upon request, as opposed to 2 weeks notice). In any case, when the officers arrived Monday, they told me that they had a warrant for arrest. The employee did not show for work yesterday, however he called in to work today. He wants to know if he returns to work this afternoon if we will call the police. I'm inclined to say NO, however I don't know if we are obligated (question posed above) to do so. Any input here would be greatly appreciated!!
Taking away the legal aspect, you next have to look at what you want to do. Do you want your employees to see you as a betrayor for calling? Or, will they see you as the guy who doesn't protect them from criminals if you DON'T call? This decision will have to be made based on your culture and business situation in the city (ie: will you get a bad reputation in your field or the community for your decision?)
I once worked at an insurance company when the police show up to arrest an employee. The front desk told the police where to go, and then while they were on their way the front desk called the guy and let him know what was up. The employee escaped down the stairwell, though he didn't get away for long.
We let the employee know that we did not appreciate the police coming to our place of business and that he needed to get the matter cleared up before he returned to work. He got out on bail and came back to work. I don't know how it all ended as he decided to leave for greener pastures soon thereafter.
Good luck!
>this matter. Having said that, I doubt if you are required to call the police
>on your employees. If so, I would imagine they would have told you so when
>they were there.
I agree with Nae on the above. If I were in this situation I would handle this in the same manner as a process server. Process servers, both private & sheriff's deputies, are not allowed to serve employees on company property. We will let them know if the employee is at work, but they must serve him or her off company property.
I will also agree that these situations are uncomfortable. You want your employees to trust you, but you probably also want to cooperate with local law enforcement. I have on occasion asked that a warrant be served elsewhere if at all possible and not in the workplace for the sake of customers, other coworkers, and "professional dignity" for the one to be captured.
best wishes
If the police came by or called to let me know they were trying to find a certain ee, i would let them know if the ee was there that day or not, or if the ee worked a different shift, what that shift is.
If their plan was to arrest the ee, I would ask that they do that off-site, if possible. If that weren't possible, I would provide a place within the building that is as far away from most ees as possible in HR or in a little used conference room near the front door. I would contact the ee's supervisor and ask that the ee be sent to HR, then I would take the ee to the designated room.
I would follow this procedure whether it was for an arrest or for a process server.
I think there's a very fine line between not reporting and hiding.