Job applications
How long does an employer need to keep job applications? Not for the current employees but for the many that come through the doors looking for jobs.
Thanks much,
Thanks much,
Whatever you decide, just make sure you follow it. It could lead to s discrimination charge if you are not consistent.
Since there isn't a law to how long I think I will suggest 6 months for all stores. This should be more than enough. Any longer and we wouldn't have enough file space!
Thanks for the answers.
>when we have an opening. We don't hire alot, so reviewing old apps. is a
>waste of time for us.
Same here. We keep them for 1 year as an inactive file. If that applicant subsequentlly becomes active again, we have them fill out another application. A lot can happen within a short period of time (change of employers, convictions, references, education, etc.)