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  • Thanks! I needed that today x:-8 x:-)
    in Flatterer Comment by rad October 2004
  • "Watching a debate only makes you, for the moment, feel worse or better about the candidate you are already going to vote for." You said it. th-up
  • I have a magnet on my fridge that reads "I'll give up drinking, smoking and fat and be really healthy until I kill myself". x:P
  • We may have to rename it "stupid answer day".
  • "Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but people don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is?" That had me falling off my chair laughing...
  • I am also very conservative in some ways and liberal in others. I am torn as to what to do. I don't want to vote for Kerry because I do not think he'll be a good president but I can not vote for Bush because I do not agree with alot of what he does.…
  • I'm watching purely for the comic value. I've given up almost all hope of being able to make a decision by Nov 2 but since CSI is not being aired, I need to watch something before bed anyway.
  • That is truly a Hallmark moment, I can see the card now: "Even though you are a (insert political party here), we are people just the same. Let's not throw mud or resort to dirty names. You vote left, I vote right, but hey, we're brothers, lets …
  • I have to go with B. I hope its B. I believe A because when my dog got sick I stopped smoking in the house. We never let her in the same room that we were smoking in but when she was diagnosed with congestive heart failure (I still cry! x:'( ) all…
  • Elephants? Those are elephants? Well, um, ok. :-S Just kidding, I still like the tie. x:-) No time for a shoe shine? Nonsense! I'll have to start the ASPCF - American Society for Prevention of Cruelty toward Footwear. Sam - wanna be my co-founder?…
  • Don, I'm living in a city full of men who were very content to watch me hop around to retrieve my shoe. I have to use something as a ruler!
  • Well, I can't comment on shoes I can't see. Are Republicans footwear-appropriate? I assume so, I believe good shoe practices cross all lines of party affiliation. The first thing I did think was "Nice tie". I love a nice tie. In fact, thats the on…
  • Did you say checkered boxers? Mmmmm......Savage!
    in Survivor! Comment by rad September 2004
  • I thought the same thing about Brook being voted off last week. A strong person can only help them now. I was a little surprised to see two balance challenges in the last two shows. Women are typically better at balance than men (because of the sh…
    in Survivor! Comment by rad September 2004
  • It stands to reason that when you start out with an equal number of males and females, you will end up with equal numbers. And since they tend to stick to gender lines, when a man is voted off, that leaves more women, so the guys vote for a woman to…
    in Survivor! Comment by rad September 2004
  • I am sharp as hell, I thought you already knew that? ;;)
    in Survivor! Comment by rad September 2004
  • Ok, here's a summary which didn't quite live up to the previews. As the cast aways were approaching the island, they were met by a local tribe who paddled out in canoes. The castawys then got in to canoes, three at once, with a local tribe member, a…
    in Survivor! Comment by rad September 2004
  • UPS is a union shop; no way that's getting delivered.
  • I was hoping that was the untrue one as well. But again, nothing should surprise me. I remember an abuse case where the mother held her child's hands in boiling water as punishment. He lost almost all his fingers. I don't remember what happened to h…
  • A - Thats not so crazy when you think of everything else out there. B - I believe anything can happen in California C - I know its true, I saw it on the news D - Wouldn't the kids have died in a pit bull attack? I pick this as false.
  • The birds always know. When we are expecting a storm, the seagulls go crazy, which reinforces my stance that birds are harbingers of death and destruction. I hate birds.
  • I'm glad farmers are helping out with the animals. I read an article that said Frances left cows belly-deep in water and that just about broke my heart. Its bad enough for people, but atleast we understand what is happening. I always get so sad when…
  • I didn't even notice that!
  • Don, you've just described the perfect man! ;;) Why can't he be ten years older and live in Boston x:D !
  • My brother was not trained either, I guess my mother did not feel it is important. I think it is important and if I ever have a son, I will make sure he understands the value of a woman and my daughters will know that they can be independant and tre…
  • I was born and bred in Boston and I have to say, I like being treated like a lady, whether that means having a door held open for me or being offered a seat. I have no problem opening a door for a man, if I'm there first, why not? Its just polite. …
  • You know Don, you are right. They all just stood there like jacka**es while I hopped back to my shoe. Perhaps that should be the test for finding a good man - lose a shoe and see who retrieves it. I'll have dirty feet but I could find a great guy!
  • If you ever saw me you'd know why I am laughing so hard right now. I would look so ridiculous in tweed! Unless it was a beautifully cut Chanel suit. Then I'd look great.
  • He probably was, he was furious that his insurance had to pay for the removal of the part of the tree on his property!