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  • Yeah, it's a made up word. Scoleum - I am not even sure how it should be spelled. Calling me a hobo is an insult to hobos.
    in Forum Band Comment by marc January 2007
  • How about Scoleum bobos?
    in Forum Band Comment by marc January 2007
  • Thanks for the heads up DButton. Your link does not get one directly to the page. But when the IRS website pops up, in the upper right hand side, do a search on 'refund of federal phone taxes' and it takes you to several articles and publications …
  • Do they still do the gong show? We might find that a great venue for our group.
    in For Ray Comment by marc January 2007
  • And to add insult to that injury - I could sing. I have been told my singing sounds like a cat in a blender. I don't know how they new that.
    in For Ray Comment by marc January 2007
  • Ray is a known trouble maker and a bad influence. Next thing you know, he will be talking you into trombone lessons.
    in For Ray Comment by marc January 2007
  • OOOUUUUCCCHHHH - ok Lorrie, who told you to put a rock in that snowball?
    in For Ray Comment by marc January 2007
  • "Another Brick in the Wall" is the song. I think it's also the name of the album?
    in For Ray Comment by marc January 2007
  • I like that one. Dutch - I am going to shamelessly steal that line and use it like I thought it up.
    in For Ray Comment by marc January 2007
  • That's ok Ray - we know that sort of slippage comes with those that are very, very old. In your case, it's not just the years, it's the miles. Say Ray, do you know a good source to replace those tennis balls attached to the bottom of my walker?
    in For Ray Comment by marc January 2007
  • I am super - thanks for noticing. Also notice how I only included that part of that great big word that I liked.
    in For Ray Comment by marc January 2007
  • Yes, it does. But -- it was not yet popular when that song was out. How would I know that? I am probably a day or two older than you are.
    in For Ray Comment by marc January 2007
  • HRQ - c'mon girl - that song is from the last century!
    in For Ray Comment by marc January 2007
  • This reminds me of the old Pink Floyd album. Old guy in the background asking 'How can you have your pudding if you haven't eaten your meat?" Some of you really old HR folks (like Ray) will probably remember that song. Heck, he's probably gettin…
    in For Ray Comment by marc January 2007
  • "What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other word would smell as sweet." Would adding pudding still allow one to call it meatloaf. I think it might change the meatloaf characteristics enough that a new name would be in order - specia…
    in For Ray Comment by marc January 2007
  • Condom companies probably funded it.
    in Obesity Comment by marc January 2007
  • This will be like every election since the dawn of time. The lesser of two evils will be selected.
  • Right behind you at #38. Nevada
  • >It was supposed to get up to 44 today, but last >I checked, it was 33. Supposed to get down to >around 15 tonight. In Georgia, that's what we >call "colder than a witch's titty!" We always ended that with " a brass bra."…
  • We laugh because it hurts.
  • The last one is the capper!
  • Hi Ray - from Parabeagle. He and his brown leather jacket miss particpating. But since he cannot defend himself, we all know that jacket is really black leather. If I recall, aren't the two of you "Twin Sons of a different Mother?" Can you pla…
  • Is it any wonder that folks utilize those tactics? Just take a look at either side of the political aisle. Personal attacks and name calling appear to be more important than substance.
  • Hehehehehehehe - he said bung hole (head nod to beavis and butthead).
    in halloween Comment by marc October 2006
  • Dutch, I like that 4th game rationalization. Which only goes to show that baseball fans, like baseball players are a very superstitious lot.
  • Cardinals supporter here, but I am keeping a low profile about it. If noone notices, maybe the Cards will sneak by.
  • Steal an idea from the cub scouts - do a cake walk.
  • Turn on your spam filter & temporarily identify the customer service emails as spam. maybe that will do it.
  • It hasn't fit my screen in quite a while.
  • I can attest to this from personal experience. Way back in the day, our Bball coach used to list me on the roster at an even 6' tall. He figured the opposing team would be intimidated thinking I was so tall. And boy howdy, was I ever smart! Th…