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  • No one has responded to you - so I'll make a stab at it, a ???answer is better than none at all! Maybe one of the smarties will jump in with a better response. First, I think you are probably looking at FMLA if he enters a treatment center. And, y…
  • I use Knowledgepoint's Descriptions Now software to create my job descriptions. This program allows me to add or delete functions as needed. It is very user friendly, even a computer novice can point and click. They are not very "pretty" as a docum…
  • I went to the DOL website and finally ended up at // that gave me access to the "Federal Contractor Veteran's Employment Report VETS-100" form. Besides the two you mentioned, there was one called "Other Veterans".
  • Change fonts, use color and graphics to draw attention to key topics if you are producing them in-house. Some printers will offer design assistance if you are going to have this professionally printed.
  • It's like 16 pages long, but I got a copy of the ANSI Z308-1998 standard that gives the [u]minimum[/u] requirements for a first aid kit. The ANSI standard is referenced in OSHA's CFR 1910.151(c). 1 - absorbent compress 4x8" minimum 16 - adhesive ba…
    in First Aid Kits Comment by bsa April 2003
  • OSHA standard "1910.151 - Medical services and first aid" is not specific as to "what" should be in first aid kit. Other references to first aid in the standards are specific to the safety area being addressed. In 8 years of voluntary inspection b…
    in First Aid Kits Comment by bsa July 2001
  • I started in January for an April renewal date and was hard pressed to meet my deadline. I contacted 5 insurance brokers. I told them what my current health plan contained and what changes might be considered. I provided them with a census of cur…
  • Knowledgepoint is a computer software program that creates performance evaluations. $100-200 range to purchase. They also have job descriptions and policies software. You can access them through or
  • I have used Knowledgepoint also. My copy is not as current, but what I really like about it is -- For the lazy supervisor, it's very user friendly and the results is a fairly decent individualized review; -- For the more thoughtful, verbage can be…
  • This sounds the same as the "required uniform" before and after shift that is compensable. Someone needs to have their FLSA-head checked.
  • The easiest way to address absences involving ee long/short term illness would be to give them a medical certification form for FMLA at the start of the absence. As this issue stands right now the ee has been off work for 6 weeks and still has 12 we…
  • If you mean sharing their job descriptions, go for it. If you mean to share the FLSA classification decision process, don't. They won't begin to understand!
  • I think this subject has been discussed in the past and I got the impression that if the exempt manager/second position non-exempt ee worked more than 40 hours, then OT would be due. I seem to remember that the consensus was to pay a "bonus" for the…
  • [i]"...are they entitled to differential pay for the additional 2.5 hours worked."[/i] ---What has the company's past practice been? If this was not addressed in the agreement then it is a company decision, but it is not required by law. [i]"I rea…
  • I don't have any salaried non-exempt for this reason. Salary is $500/week. Week 1 works 40 hours, hourly rate is $12.50 Week 2 works 50 hours, hourly rate is $10.00 Week 2 overtime rate is $5.00 Week 3 works 32 hours, hourly rate is $15.63 Week…
  • What does your policy on overtime say? What has been your practice in the past? That's where you will find your answer. We pay overtime for hours worked only. Holiday, vacation and sick are not worked and do not get calculated toward overtime. FL…
    in holiday pay/ot Comment by bsa June 2004
  • You have the right idea. But, I think better in whole numbers rather than fractions, so the way I see this ... If you have someone making $100k/year that person could lose $1,283 for the year if you simply divided the 100k by 26. In my opinion th…
  • Federal law (FSLA) requires overtime after 40 hours in a workweek.
    in overtime Comment by bsa November 2003
  • Selecting who is going to work which hours is a business decision made by the company. There is no law to use as a guide, only company policies and practices. I would use job duties & functions to determine what I needed to complete and who I ne…
  • I agree with Margaret. The FLSA is mighty complicated and not easily understood by the average everyday manager. You should probably checkout the DOL website for more confusion.... no, I meant clarification didn't I?!
  • Jeffrey, we do work similar to you in Texas. We are a "job" shop so our work will slow down then suddenly we are very busy. This is normal for us. Last year we were able to give raises, but they were less than previous years. This year is looking be…
  • Try one of these: It's been a while since I looked at any of these. I found the most useful. Hope it helps.
  • WHOA!!! Did I get lost for a minute. Dragonlady is giving an example for CA ... Crout, you're in PA aren't you? Unless PA requires overtime after 8 hours, you only have to worry about overtime after 40 hours. I don't "do" numbers and would have to…
  • I think United Way is post-tax.
  • A promotion with additional responsibilities deserves extra compensation. A merit increase is a whole other animal. I would give her the an increase now for the promotion. In July, depending on her performance, she would get a merit increase based o…
  • It sounds like your management made a decision to guarantee this person a specific amount of money to assure themselves that his services would always be available. Think of it as a retainer or consultant agreement, don't get tangled in titles. Payi…
  • Half time and part-time could mean almost anything your company wants it to mean. Employers who have full-time and part-time employees define the difference in their company policies to determine eligibility for company benefits such as insurance, …
  • Look to her company's policy for the answer. She may be considered part-time and is receiving a pro-rated part-time vacation amount rather than a full-time benefit. Ask payroll, it could also be a simple accounting error.
  • It is NOT legal for a non-governmental entity to use "comp" time. It is neither legal or illegal to have exempt employees document time worked. Recording exempt hours worked becomes a problem when that time record is used to adjust an exempt's pay …
    in "Comp" Time Comment by bsa October 2002
  • Salaried N/E still entitles them to overtime for any hours worked over 40. A very simplified description is you pay them a "salary" for all hours worked, then 1/2 time for the hours over 40. It can be a nightmare for payroll.