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  • I never wear yellow and what the heck are bass weejuns and bizers? HR for me has black days and occassional red days but thats it. Course if chocolate is provided I'll wear whatever ya want!
  • You crack me up. I haven't read that book but did see her bio on Biography channel, is a good story.
  • I had a cat for 16 years and never bathed her, she was very gentle and declawed but there was no way she would have tolerated a bath, they bathe themselves. I guess you could put them in the toilet and close the lid or in the shower and close the d…
  • We have an employee who is obsessed with her 2 cats. About a month ago she came in late because "the cat was breathing heavily". I thought cats were supposed to do that?!
  • I've tripped over my dog and been sort of unconscious. My favorite, which I have used for being late is "hairdryer emergency" like when the hairdryer quits working and I have to go buy a new one; you would NOT want me coming to work w/o drying my h…
  • I always wanted a Free Lumpy Room
  • My name didn't come up with anything but Grandmother did, Gardner Moth (I loved to gardnen) or marred thong...hmmmm
  • Been a long time since I've seen one of these threads that almost runs off the screen to the right, I missed that. Welcome back Paul and congrats! on your NON-move! I work for a non-profit also it does have it's benefits and one is freedom to be w…
  • I really wish someone had told me that 12 years ago when I had my first jacuzzi bath tub! There are probably still bubbles in that house somewhere.
  • ha ha ha Thanks for the laugh. I'd get married again but only if we could afford separate homes or one REALLY BIG one.
  • Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized? I know nothing new will have materialized but I keep checking to see if anything looks more appetizing than it did the last time. And…
  • Although I just can't believe there would be so many stupid people this was pretty funny. The FAT one was particularly funny. And yes Dallas is a big airport so you should rent a car..
  • hahahahaha That made me laugh and feel really good. Should I be concerned?
  • I got stuck on the coffee at 7:45 pm too but then I thought maybe they get it ready for the morning? Life is indeed short, stop and smell the roses every chance you get you never know when it may be your last.
  • They have recess in middle school? My step-granddaughter just started middle school (6th grade) and she doesn't get recess. I think we should get recess at work, put some swings outside and a seesaw and maybe one of those things that goes around a…
  • I changed the way I do things involuntarily, by totalling my car a month ago. That's one way to get out of paying higher gas prices...
  • Natural is definetly the way to go! After years of taking anti-depressants for my psyche; and muscle relaxors and anti-inflammatory's for my back; and then hormones for being female I got fed up cause I felt lousy. I now take all kinds of roots an…
  • Ok, what the .... is noodle? and was this on one of those x rated channels?
  • The only thing I don't agree with is the "captain morgan/crown" what the... is that?
  • Heckkk NO..I'm way past that! I'm saying that some changes are definetly for the better.
    in Shopping Comment by JudyT929 August 2005
  • This is really just about that one bum nail isn't it Don. And after reading this I will never look at a raisin quite the same... xclap
  • I have one tv and in the evenings when I'm alone, which is most of the time, it is on from 6-9 or 10; I may be outside in the garden or playing with the dogs or cooking or something but the tv is on for company. On Sunday nights I liked Desparate H…
    in Do you? Comment by JudyT929 August 2005
  • She's too uptight to be anything but A-Sexual.
  • and if you see my ex husband wandering around feel free to run him over...
  • LOL Don. well sphincter is certainly funnier than specter.
  • LOL Whatever. His? name makes me think sphincter every time I see it or it reminds me of Hannibal Lecter.
  • #1 Do my 2 dogs count?
  • Well when I see "Aretha" I start singing R-E-S-P-E-C-T...didn't she sing that?
    in Aretha Comment by JudyT929 July 2005
  • How does wearing flip flops ruin something for somebody's grandkids??? Did they wear them on their head or something?