Montgomery, Maryland's Paid Leave Law

Hello -
Is a non profit higher education institution located outside of Maryland who may employ residents of Montgomery, Maryland remotely subject to this law? We do not have any "business owners" in MD.
Hello -
Is a non profit higher education institution located outside of Maryland who may employ residents of Montgomery, Maryland remotely subject to this law? We do not have any "business owners" in MD.
coliver, here is a response from Maryland Employment Law Letter attorney editor David Stevens. In case you need it, his contact info can be found at the end of the note. tk
Although we do not represent you
and cannot provide legal advice, you may want to review Section 27-76(b) of the
Montgomery County Code, which defines an “employer” for purposes of this law as
a person or entity “operating and doing business in the County that employs 1
or more persons in the County in addition to the owners.” The law also
contains a definition of employee that excludes certain limited categories of
workers. We would suggest that you speak with legal counsel concerning
your potential obligations under this law in advance of the law’s October 1,
2016 effective date.
David M. Stevens, Esq.
Whiteford, Taylor & Preston, L.L.P.
7 Saint Paul Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
(443) 263-8250