Maxed Salary - Options?

Looking for input on how companies handle employees that have reached or exceed the salary cap for their job. We are a FL company with less than 500 employees but many long term employees. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
No increases until you change jobs?
Small (1%) increase every other year if merited?
Bonus amount in lieu of annual wage increase?
I would suggest bonus amount based on profitability of the company---so those long term employees that continue to excel in their jobs remain inspired to continue, and this also allows for pay increases without the committment of a base salary increase. Don't forget to review salary ranges every couple of years, these ranges can become outdated and warrant a salary increase.
Thank you. We do evaluate salary ranges every 2 years. A majority of the jobs are in retail sales, non-commissioned, so the job doesn't evolve much nor does the pay scale. We have several long term employees as in 10, 15, 20 year associates and do want them to remain inspired but cannot allow the payroll to climb simply based on longevity alone. Bonus amounts seem like the method we will consider. TY