leave hours

A new year is coming and I would like to know how many personal, leave and sick hours part-time and full-time employees are allowed for this coming year.
Please help me.
Thanks and Happy Holidays.
A new year is coming and I would like to know how many personal, leave and sick hours part-time and full-time employees are allowed for this coming year.
Please help me.
Thanks and Happy Holidays.
Are you asking for what other companies are doing?
My employees (both exempt and non-exempt) get 2 weeks vacation until hit 5 years, 3 weeks from 5-10years and then 4 weeks after 10 years. They get 5 days sick leave, no matter how many years of service they have.
Hey IT HR,
Thank you for answering my post. I would like to know in general how it is working. Your answer helps me a lot but i think there is the same amount of days that is given to all employees in all companies. Also, i would like to know where to find all the infos regarding that matter.
[...] but i think there is the same amount of days that is given to all employees in all companies. [...]
In the US, there is wide variation not just in the number of days but in accrual, requirements for use, and every other variable you can imagine. These types of benefits are entirely voluntary in the US and largely left up to the discretion of the employer.
[quote user="bruxcia"]
[...] Also, i would like to know where to find all the infos regarding that matter. [...]
BLR does a survey on compensation (and benefits, which are really just another form of compensation).
We give full time (exempt and non-exempt) employees 2 weeks vacation (all given up front not accrued), 10 sick days (accrued each pay period) and 2 floating holidays (given based on division).
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FT exempt employees get an additional 4 personal days, granted 1 per quarter to be used in that quarter.
FT and PT employees in our retail division get an additional 2 floating holidays for a total of 4, granted 1 per quarter to be used in that quarter.
Our PT employees receive half a FT employee’s amount.
Of course, our vacation time increases with years of service.