In California: Certified Payroll & Prevailing Wage
We are bidding on a job and the requirements are that we have certified payroll and Prevailing Wage. I don't know what either mean. Could someone explain them to me please?
Thank you, Sheila
We are bidding on a job and the requirements are that we have certified payroll and Prevailing Wage. I don't know what either mean. Could someone explain them to me please?
Thank you, Sheila
I also meant to say this is for a government job. Any information will be appreciated. Thank you, Sheila
We are bidding on a job and the requirements are that we have certified payroll and Prevailing Wage. I don't know what either mean. Could someone explain them to me please?
Thank you, Sheila
Prevailing wage means that the bid has to specify pay levels at or above the "prevailing wage" by job type in accordance with the Davis-Bacon act. IRRC, the point is to prevent non-union bidders from under cutting union shops for government contracts based on labor cost alone.
If the contract is federal, check here:
w w w . g p o . g o v / d av i s b a c o n /
If it's a state contract, check here:
w w w . g p o . g o v / d av i s b a c o n / a l l s t a t e s . h t m l
Can you give the exact language from the instructions on "certified payroll"? Usually that just entrails reporting requirements.