Unemployment Compensation and Temporary Employee

I am hiring a temporary employee to fill in for 2 employees that are on Family Medical Leave.
Is there any legal way to ensure that this employee will not be eligible for unemployment compensation at the end of the temporary assignment?
Do I need to include certain verbage in an offer letter? Do I need to have this person only work for 10 hours a week? What is the magic formula here for the State of FL?
Is there any legal way to ensure that this employee will not be eligible for unemployment compensation at the end of the temporary assignment?
Do I need to include certain verbage in an offer letter? Do I need to have this person only work for 10 hours a week? What is the magic formula here for the State of FL?
Hire them through a temporary agency versus on your payroll. Otherwise, I don't see how you'll get by on that one. They won't be voluntarily quitting.
Ummm, I think there may be a state-by-state issue here based on whether the person was hired on a temporary basis or not.
In any event, if they only work a short time, it won't hit your account. If it's just a vindictive desire to see nobody get unemployment, the best way to do that is to avoid hiring people.