Dress Code - Uniforms

The Minimum Wage article from the Governor in CA that was last revised in 1/2008 states the following:
The term "uniform" includes wearing apparel and accessories of distinctive design or color. Ordinary work clothes are not considered uniforms when the employees have free choice of what to wear. When the employer specifies the design or color or requires that an insignia be affixed, it is considered a uniform.
We are putting together a new Dress Code where we are requiring employees to wear the following:
Approved blue tops (found at Macy's or Dress Barn) are acceptable; Blouses and shirts may be long or short sleeved, with or without a collar, in white or cream, solid colors only.
Pants or skirts must be in solid navy or black colors only; Skirts should be no shorter than two inches above the knee; Skirt slits should be no more than two inches above the knee.
Blazers and Jacket must be in solid navy or black color only and must compliment pants/skirts in material and color; No patters or ornamentations are allowed.
Because we have specific requirements, does this count as a "uniform" or just street clothes as there are no company logos involved? If a uniform, are we as the employer responsible for giving our employees a Uniform allowance to purchase these items and to maintain them?
Any suggestions?
The wording OP provided says if you specify color, it's a uniform. The more typical, non-CA rules which generally allow that if the clothing is something you might wear outside of work, then it is not a uniform is not in play here.
I believe that the uniform rules you have supplied imply a uniform under the rules OP provided. The specification of a brand can also, even in less liberal states, also be considered a uniform.
Also, "the knee" is a region to anybody but perhaps an expert in anatomy. If you use some notion of distance from the tips of the outstretched fingers with arms straight down, you will have something much easier to measure.