ADA issue to publicize a walkathon for employees through our volunteerism committee

Our large non profit, as an active response to support at least two strategic plan goals, created a committee to support and encourage volunteerism. We have a quarterly newsletter that provides news on any group of employees volunteering, news of organizations needing support and current information on efforts such as food, toy and coat/blanket drives that our organization supported.
One of our programs is very involved with ADA and the committee has been approached with concerns that our promtion of these events or even partial sponsorship could lead to potential ADA issues. A walk a thon, created for the American Cancer Society, is one of the events that we would publicize through our newsletters. Does anyone see any potential liability that could surface with this kind of support?
Thanks for any guidance.
Actually it is a program director who oversees ADA issues as part of the mission of HER program. But she has incinuated that we could be placing ourselves in a liability situation by promoting these walk a thons, not even sponsoring. I thought this was a bit far fetched but wanted to check out in the field if I was missing something..
Thanks All,
I couldn't figure out how it could be litigious either; if I find an aspect/court case, whatever, that was the root of this discussion, and makes sense, I'll share,
Happy Fourth!