Percentage of Employer Paid Health Insurance Premiums

We are looking at changing (lowering) the percentage we contribute toward our employee’s health insurance premiums....would anyone be willing to share what their company contributes? We were told by our broker that most companies contribute less than we do, which is between 50%-70% based on the plan.
My copy of BLR's Employee Benefits Survey says that only a small percentage of employers pays less than 50% of the premium. Most employers pay 65% or more of the premium. We pay 70 percent of the premium. The Department of Labor says the average employer that provides health insurance pays about 81 percent of the premiums for
single coverage and 71 percent of the premium for family coverage. Those are national averages so maybe the case is different in your sector and region.
Both of those surveys were from 2008. More currente information should be out soon.
We pay a flat dollar amount, which is equal to 100% of the single coverage cost. We pay that same $ amount toward the other levels of coverage (employee + children, employee + spouse, and family coverage).
Thank you all for your input! [:D]