Written I-9 compliance policy?

Does anyone have a written policy that covers how your completers are to be trained on filling in new hire I-9s, retaining and purging I-9s and when the I-9 should be filled out that I could see? I have been having our out-of-state supervisors waiting too long to complete I-9s and filling them out wrong. We have also recently signed up for E-Verify and I would be interested in hearing from others that use this program too.
[quote user="gi_janearng"]Does anyone have a written policy that covers how your completers are to be trained on filling in new hire I-9s, retaining and purging I-9s and when the I-9 should be filled out that I could see? I have been having our out-of-state supervisors waiting too long to complete I-9s and filling them out wrong. We have also recently signed up for E-Verify and I would be interested in hearing from others that use this program too. [/quote]
I require anybody who does I-9 admin for me to read the gubmint manual. If I'm on-sight, I have them run the I-9s by me for inspection for awhile until we're both comfortable. If I'm not on-site, I do refresher courses with little quizzes to help people stay on top of what they're supposed to know.