FMLA Tracking Sheet

Hi, Everyone -
I've just joined BLR, and was skimming thru the threads on the HR Forum. I saw quite a bit of activity on FMLA tracking sheets, and would really appreciate a copy of the forms other folks are using. I have a very basic form in Excel, but I don't really care for it. We've had quite a few FMLA episodes lately, so I need to refine my processes.
Thank you!
Hi, thanks for the help!
I'm also new to "posting" and "threads", and wasn't sure if I needed to put my e-mail in the message. It is
Appreciate it!
Ok. . I sent the template. Hope it helps. [:)]
By the way. . . welcome! There are many good 'heads' here and you will enjoy the interaction with them. There is a wealth of knowledge among them and they all seem willing to share what they have. I look forward to seeing you around.
I just became a member of the forum and would like to see the FMLA tracking template everyone is discussing on the board. Could you please email me a copy? I have at least 5 requests per week for FMLA leaves. I appreciate it. My email address is
I have been trying to locate this tracking sheet, please send me a copy at
Hi - Would it be possible to share that tracking sheet with me as well? I would really appreciate it!! I've been a BLR member for a while but I've never visited these forums - I have some reading to do! I'm looking forward to looking around a bit. Thanks.
Could you possibly send me a copy of this tracking sheet? I haven't heard back from Heather.
HRBeth email is:
I would welcome and be grateful to receive this template from Heather107 also, if she would be willing to share.
Many thanks,
Hi...can you send me the FMLA Template too? Thanks a million
Cappy, I would really appreciate if you could email the FMLA-Tracking template Heather107 created.
Hello everyone,
I would really appreciate it if someone would also send the FMLA tracking to me:
I would like a copy of the tracking sheet if possible,
I would be interested in receiving the FMLA tracking sheet as well.
My email address is
Thanks so much!
BLR, are you listening? Every time someone mentions having a FMLA administrative aid, the post ends up with thousands of hits.
Please make a good FMLA administrative tool, preferably with a SQL engine in the background.
That would sure be great. By the way, A lot of people have contacted me for the template, which is perfectly ok. The problem is that the cells are locked and the template can't be updated for 2010 unless of course you techies know how to get around passwords. A person can view the template and perhaps gain some insight into how it functions but will not be able to use it for this year.
BLR, here is a wonderful opportunity for a step forward for us subscribers.
Edited to add: If the Heather107 Tracking Template thread still exist, BLR, that one thread had six pages of request. Then this one began and it has two with more request to come. Shows you how important this is to HR people.
would you please send it to me too? My e-mail is
thank you
I am not sure what I am doing but I would also like to see the FMLA tracking sheet. My email address is
I would also appreciate a copy of the FMLA tracking sheet. Please send to
Thank you so much! My process seems ancient, I really could use some help!
Can I get a copy of the FMLA Tracking sheet as well? My email address is
Hi everyone! If anyone would be willing to send me a copy of the template that has been mentioned in this forum to, I would be very grateful. I tried to contact Heather107 directly a a week or more ago, since it was mentiond about the password but I have not heard back. I currently use a very manual excel spreadsheet and would love to have a more interactive version. I have also looked at a few demo versions of FMLA tracking software but they just don't have all that is needed to reduce the manual tracking.
I to would like the form
Me too - may I get a copy of the template as well -
Thanks bunches
. Lori
I would greatly appreicate if you could email me Heather's FMLA tracking template too. My email address is
Thank you.
I'd like to have it as well, so if you could email it to me that would be great.
Maybe since this is such a popular form you could see if it can be added to the Time Saver tools?
Thank you!
Could you also send the FMLA template to me? I'd really appreciate it.
Thank you,