Maintaining Health Coverage while on Worker's Comp Leave

I have an employee who does not qualify for FMLA but needs to go out on leave for several weeks due to a worker's compensation injury. Do I need to continue offering the employee the same health insurance benefits as if they were on FMLA? We offer free medical insurance for the employee only and under FMLA we would continue to pay for this. I am not sure how to handle for a non-FMLA worker's comp inury. Thanks


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  • be sure to check your state law, the healthcare plan documentation, and any collective bargaining agreement before proceeding.  the employee may be eligible for COBRA coverage. but i am not sure if the employee would qualify for the current COBRA subsidy (65%) because the program covers "involuntary terminations" only ... and the employee must be "able" to continue performing services to qualify as an involuntary termination ... unless you have taken some type of action to end the employee's employment.
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