Performance Evaluations

We're updating our performance evaluation process and forms and will be including peer reviews as well as upward reviews for supervisors/managers and downward reviews for supervisors. Employees also complete a self evaluation form prior to their review meeting. I'd love some ideas for good questions/ratings for these forms. We currently ask employees to comment on their goals for the next 6 month period (we do reviews every 6 months). We also ask for future growth/career goals, what they're proud of, and which past goals they have or have not accomplished. Wondering what we can ask for peer evaluations? If anyone has any links or insight into this topic, I'm all ears. Thanks!
Thank you for asking this!! I was just about to post something similar.
I'm also wondering if anyone here has a specific timeline for when evaluations should be complete. As it stands, our supervisors are supposed to complete an eval and a discussion form at the anniversary of the employee's hiring. But it is taking forever to get them back in and filed in the personnel file...sometimes six months on end from the date the eval comes up. Is there a way to get them completed in a more timely matter or should I even be worrying about this?
My role at this point is to initiate the paperwork and hand it off the the appropriate supervisors to complete at their leisure, much to my dismay. This is the way they've been doing it for years, but I'm fairly new and would like to see this system made better. I have no idea if the supervisors are sitting with the employee at the time of the eval or writing up the eval and sitting with the employee and using the discussion form that accompanies the eval. I think it is the latter.
We have approximately the same number of employees as you do, bsaxton, but our supervisors and employees are spread out three sheets to the wind all across the country. So while sitting in while the review takes place sounds nice, I'm not really sure it would be able to happen with all employees.
I'm curious as to what your eval form looks like? Once again, ours have not been updated in some time and I feel they are lacking and extremely redundant. I spent 10 years in the military and have extensive background in working with evaluations from the Army side and would love to take some of what is on an Army evaluation form and see it used on ours. Not to mention, we were always all about timeliness which is why I'm frustrated now to no end!
that must be frustrating!
Our forms currently consist of a section where we list and evaluate the goals the employees should have completed over the past 6 month period, then a 2nd section with goals for the next 6 month period (set during the review and added onto the form in the write up process). Then an evaluation section where employees are rated on a 1-4 scale for a variet of competencies (dependability, communications, etc). The employee completes a self eval where they discuss the goals set for them and their progress, list what they're proud of, and what they have coming up in the next 6 months.
We're in the process of revising the forms and also adding in a peer review and a chance for employees to review their supervisors.