Employee's Handbook
Good Day All,
I just assume the role of a senior administrator in my organization in the HR department. In my quest to put things right and in proper management shape in the HR department, I tried to ensure that every member of the staff have am employee handbook which will spelt the compnay's policies and procedures. In my inquiring from the department head, I was told there is no employee handbook since inception of the company and now as a trainied project managment associate, I have every reason to ensure that the employee's are given handbook to know and understand the compnay policies and procedures at all time....
Can any one advice me! to know whether am going too far, and if am doing the right thing, what is your advise?
However, if am authorized by managment to go the extra mile and produce one, what are the relevant and necessary elements to pay emphasis on and what to be mindful of..... is any one there that have a sample compnay handbook?....
Your advise and suggestion will be highly appreciated.
i think an employee handbook is very important, but it must be well-crafted. the handbook will spell out your company's expectations and describe what your employees should expect. it will help ensure your managers follow the rules of your organization and aren't making up rules on an ad hoc basis.
first you will want to have a dislaimer that the handbook isn't a contract and that it can be changed at any time by your organization. you'll also want to include an employment at-will statement if your state is a at-will one.
you will want to have on file a statement signed by each employee that they have received the handbook.
here are some topics we include in our handbook:
Anti-harassment policy and reporting, Anti-Discrimination and equal employment opportunity,Vacation and Sick-Days,Compensation,FMLA,Benefit, Company Paid Holidays, Retirement benefits, Drugs and Alcohol policies and testing, Dress code, Use of company equipment (phones, internet), Business Travel, Performance Reviews,Workers' compensation, Emergency procedures, and Safety
It appears that you are operating in Nigeria. Therefore, the laws of Nigeria would apply to your organization. If you are a subsidiary of an American company, then you may have some obligations with regard to U.S. employment laws as well. You may also want to post in the global forum (on this site) in order to reach someone with knowledge of international operations. I think you are also prohibited from using signature blocks on this site (probably to maintain privacy and avoid any overt marketing). Good luck.