Affirmative Action

I work for a small federal contractor and I can't seem to find their Affirmative Action Plan. Does anyone have a sample AAP and applicant tracking template they might be willing to share? It would be greatly appreciated.
Lisa L
Hi Lisa,
I can help you with that. What is your email address? I can send you our AAP and what I use for applicant tracking
That would be great!!
Hi, my address is
I would also be interested in receiving the AAP's and tracking form from both of you--if possible.
Thanks in advance.
Hi, my address is It would be very help full to me as well to receive the AAP's policy and tracking form from both of you
Thank you
Susanna Bowser
My name is Jackie and I work for a construction company with about 150 employees they are wanting to implement an affirmative action plan and I was wondering if you can email me copie of your AAP and the applicant tracking form? My email address is
My name is Jackie and I work for a construction company with about 150 employees they are wanting to implement an affirmative action plan and I was wondering if you can email me copie of your AAP and the applicant tracking form? My email address is
You can actually get in trouble for having an AAP if it is not required by court order or executive order (i.e., as a Federal contractor or subcontractor doing business exceeding minimum threshholds with the government). So, when you say, "...they are wanting to implement and affirmative action plan..." my first question would be, "Why do they want that?" Make sure they have an appropriate reason.
Most companies are pretty tight with their AAP info - DOL OFCCP offers clases on it.
Is it possible for me to get a copy of the Affirmative Action plan and form that your company uses? I would greatly appreciate it.