Payroll Software

We are a small employer with approximately 56 employees, and we are looking for a new payroll system. I would appriciate any suggestions from the forum. We currently have Sage Abra. What other companies should we be looking at?
We use ADP's PayeXpert for processing payroll and ADP's exLaborManager for our electronic time clocks. They handle our taxes, direct deposit and our FSA! I couldn't be happier with ADP - they offer tons of training courses on-line (via webex) or at their facilities if you are near one. All of the courses are free of charge to ADP clients and they even offer certifications! They Client Services (Customer Service) for all areas is absolutely excellent!
I've used Paychex in the past - they are o.k., but definitely not as good as ADP in my opinion.
We are a smaller company as well & we are charged per paycheck processed. Their rates are very competitive!
We do not use ADP for our 401(k) - actually it's a Simple IRA - so I wouldn't know about that part of ADP. We go through someone else for the Simple IRA & only do the payroll deductions thru ADP. I make the contribution pymnts to the plan via ACH.
Anyway, I've never used Ceridian.
We use Payroll Solutions who is backed by RBC. For us, it's a local company. We looked at PayChex and ADP, the fees are almost the same with each company. Solutions is web based (so there is no IT infrastructure drag) and they have a web based time clock. They offer a simplistic HR system free with the Payroll. We went with People-Trak for HRIS instead of using Solutions'. I know they handle the W-2s.
We are pleased for various reasons but the main one is that we can call almost anyone in the company and if we need someone to stop by the office to explain things further, they will be there. We have around 40 employees. Good luck.
ADP is web based as well - including our time clocks! Our retail & wholesale staff uses time cards at the electronic timeclock (they're like a credit card they swipe) and our office personnel punch in on the web. Then when it's time to run payroll I just have to download all of the punches from the timeclock website and transfer it over to the payroll website - the entire process takes about 5-10 mintues! So I don't have to calculate anything manually. ADP handles our W-2's too!
They offer many different versions too & can custom build something for your company. There are plenty of options we didn't choose including the HR portions just because I can handle the benefits tracking, COBRA, etc. on my own without paying extra.
Just curious, does Ceridian have the capability of us running several different company's payroll separately? We process payrolls for many different companies, including doing taxes, but we're looking for new software that offers web-based capabilities for viewing paystubs, w-2's, etc.- something our current software does not offer.
I prefer Ceridian over PayChex hands down. Both will do your tax filing and accept liability for foul ups.
Ceridian's HRIS and ad-hoc reporting capabilities are vastly superior to those of PayChex.
Drop me a line when you get a chance at and I'll give you all the contact info. Great rep.
I think this software will help you [url=]online timesheets[/url] ...
Check this one out..