Industry Standards for Benefits

Is there a site or resource where one could see how much other companies "pick up" in terms of benefit costs to their employees.
How many companies pick up 100% of the cost how many pick up 50% and so on.
Is there a site or resource where one could see how much other companies "pick up" in terms of benefit costs to their employees.
How many companies pick up 100% of the cost how many pick up 50% and so on.
Small Group Health Insurance in 2006 -- by AHIP Center for Policy and Research can be found online and has lots of good statistics as of 2006. The 2007 report is not out yet.
2007 Summary of Findings: Employee Health Benefits -- by The Kaiser Foundation & Health Researh and Educational Trust states:(1) About 80% of workers with single coverage and 94% of workers with family coverage contribute to the total premium for their coverage" and (2) "In 2007, the average percentage of the premium paid by covered workers is 16% for single coverage and 28% for family coverage, similar to the percentages reported for the last several years" And there is much more in the report.
You should be able to find either by googling the title and/or author. I would post direct links, but then it takes a while for my post to show up. I will do so in a followup message, but I am not sure how long it will take to show up!
Kaiser report -->
AHIP report -->
The BLR report is unbeatable at that price point.
Participants get a free copy, so ask them if you can participate.