Interviewing with Parents

My aunt called to tell me that the Fortune 500 company she works for just starting allowing people to bring their parents in to interview with them for a position. She said the company was very excited about this new program (mostly geered toward graduating college students). She couldn't believe it and had called to see if I had heard of this before. I have heard about this. My thoughts on this are that my parents taught me to stand on my own two feet, take responsibility, etc. and that I wouldn't even have thought about bringing my parents to an interview when I graduated college.
I am curious to see what people think of this. Is this program happening at your company? Would you allow this if someone came with his/her parent(s) to a scheduled interview?
Yes this is true. Here is an article from that talks about this and some other things that companies are doing. The article refers to 60 Minutes segment back in November where they talked about this.
What a nightmare! I refuse to discuss an emloyee's information with parents or spouses. (Unless the employee is incapacitated.) Can you just see it: little Johnnie gets written up and the next thing you are having to defend your actions to the parents? No thank you!
I'm not going to start that trend by allowing the parents in on the interview. It just can only go in one direction from there (and up is not it.)
I have never heard of anything so ridiculous. Are their parents going to do their job, too??