Handbook revision to include 1/1/07 regualtion change-false claims act, protecting whistleblowers,wa
I am trying to update our handbooks to reflect and comply with the new handbook requirments for Medicaid participation in Michigan that went into effect 1/1/07. I am looking for anyone who might have a sample from there handbook that directly related to the following paragraph. Thanks!
Effective January 1, 2007, providers must include in any employee handbook a "specific discussion" of state and federal false claims acts, the rights of employees to be protected as whistleblowers, and the enitiy's policies and procedures for detecting and preventing fraud, waste, and abuse. The following relevent laws must.
(a) Federal Civil False Claims Act
(b) Federal Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986
(c) State Medicaid False Claims Statute
(d) State Administrative Sanctions Against Medicaid Providers Act.
(e) State Whistleblowers Protection Act
Is this only for the state of Michigan?