Number of Vacation Days vs. Seniority

We offer 5 days the second calendar year, 10 days the third and 15 days after the 5th calendar year. It sounds a little strange but that is because you "accrue" the first calendar year and use those days on your second and so forth.
What does your company offer? Are we within normal range?
Based on the fact that we are unionized our hourly employees must have completed one-year continuous service in order to receive 5-days vacation; after completing two-years' they receive two weeks vacation; after completing five years' they receive three weeks; after 12 years' completed service four weeks; after 20 years' completed service five weeks and after 25 years' completed service sthey receive six weeks with pay.
Employees that are non-union working at the corporate office vacation works a little different:
Year 1 to 4 = 2 weeks vacation
Year 5 - 10 = 3 weeks vacation
My company offers:
1 year - 5 Days
2 to 4 years - 10 Days
5 to 9 Years - 15 Days
10 to 13 Years - 20
14 Years plus - 22 Days
I am currently in the process of creating a new Employee Handbook. So any info helps. Do you offer sick days? If so how many? Our current policy is
1-2 years 1 week
2-5 years 2 weeks.
No personal and no sick
What is the norm now a days?
We are a not-for-profit community mental health agency. Since we do not pay what the profit world pays we try and make up for it in benefits:
14 vacation days the first year for non-professional staff - 18 for professional staff
Staff receive one additional day on their anniversary year up to 23 vacation days.
All staff receive 12 illness days for themselves or immediate family (parents, spouse, children), any days not used at the end of the anniversary years rolls over to a maximum of 36 days. We do not have personal days.
Don't your long-term employees complain that they get the same number of days as new hires? Especially when they find out their friends are getting 3 weeks after 10 years?
Our vacation day policy is:
1 year = 12 days per year
5 years = 18 days per year
10 years = 23 days per year
Sick days = 5 days per year
Here's our PTO schedule - this includes vacation and sick:
1 year 80 hours
2 years through 5 years 120 hours
6 years 128 hours
7 years 136 hours <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
8 years 144 hours
9 years 152 hours
10 years and over 160 hours
Hire year is graded based upon month of hire.
1 - 2 years - 15 days
2+ - 5 years - 20 days
5+ years = 25 days
This is all put in the paid leave bucket.
We offer vacation and personal/sick time based upon the following schedule:
Year 1 - 40 hours vacation accrual - time can be used in 4 hour increments any time during the year; 40 hours personal/sick after 90 days
Years 2 - 5 80 hours vacation accrual; 40 hours personal/sick Employee can carry over hours from previous year to a max of 40 hours beyond current year accrual
Years 6-14 120 hours vacation accrual; 40 hours personal/sick
Years 15 - + 160 hours vacation accrual; 40 hours personal/sick
Upon termination, employee is paid for unused vacation time; remaining personal/sick days are lost
My company offers if you were hired during following months jan-feb = 2 days may - august =1 and sept to dec = 0 days on the year hired. the following year jan-feb 5 days, mar-april = 4 days, may - june = 3, july-august=2 days, sept-oct = 1 and nov-dec 0. Second year - jan-april = 7 days, may - august = 6 days and sept to dec=5 days.
3 years - 10
4 years - 12
5 years - 15
and thereafter 1 more day earned, but 10 or more days max is 20 vacation days.
plus 3 personal/sick days. after 1 year. the first year 1 personal day every 4 month, year thereafter it is offered on the calendar year 3 full days
My company offers the same Paid Time Off to exempt and non-exempt alike. I am interested in knowing how many offer 2 different plans.
After 120 days of hire, you earn one (sick & personal combined) day off for a total of 4 a year.
After 9 months, you earn 5 days vacation.
After 4 full years completed (any increment of time in the first year is NOT considered) - you earn a second week or 10 days. This could be your 6th calendar year. Example: start in April of 2007 - 2008-2009-2010-2011 are your 4 full years. You earn 10 days in 2012.
After 9 full years completed you earn a third week or 15 days. This could be your 11th calendar year.
We offer 8 hours a month the first year of employment.
1-4 years employment = 80 hours a year vacation
5-14 years employment =120 hours a year vacation
We offer discretionary time or paid time off (personal, vacation and sick time together).
I'm curious to know if you have a maximum roll over policy or a second bank such as an extended illness bank. Currently, we only have one bank and allow for 120 hours to be carried over.
We have a rollover limit of 2 X the annual entitlement of PTO. Anything over that amount rolls into Supplemental Sick Leave - which is leave that requires medical certification for illnesses over 1 week - it can't be used to call in sick.