Dating Supervisor's Relative

We have a situation where the employee is dating her manager's nephew.  While no one would have found about this situation, the employee and supervisor are very vocal about it.  Other employees are upset about it because they feel there may be special treatment for the employee.  We do have a policy about dating co-workers, but this is a bit different.  Has anyone had a similar situation?  All comments will be very much appreciated.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Sounds like it is out of reach for any intraoffice dating rule. However, it may be worthwhile to warn the supervisor that such arrangements can make employees uncomfortable and although not within the employer's control, should be treated with the utmost caution and respect. For example, preferential treatment is prohibited, and if /when the the relationship ends, the supervisor is strictly prohibited from treating the employee any differently, or in any way that could be perceived as retaliatory. This one is a hot potato.
  • Why are they being very vocal about it?  I agree with Califorian that something needs to be said to the supervisor about this.  It seems like they are fueling the fire here.  And depending on how things go you may have to say something to the other employee as well.  While you don't want to single them out and cause a big scene, they are in fact causing the scene and creating chaos when there doesn't have to be any. 
  • Strange that they are talking so much about it. Are they thriving on the attention? There is really no need for them to talk about it so openly other than to get attention. I think it's definitely better to talk to the manager about the fact that it is making other employees uneasy and that perhaps it would be better to not advertise the relationship around the workplace. You certainly can't prohibit the relationship, but you can make the manager aware that it could turn into a complicated situation  particularly if the two break up and that is advertised around the office!
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