PHR Test

Good Afternoon,
Im currently enrolled in a class to take my PHR test. Im using the Shrm learning system. Can anyone tell me anything else that would be useful to prepare for this exam? Also I understand the importance of having this, but can someone give me real life example of how it helped you?
I took the test last June. I think there might have been changes to how the test works. All I can tell you is that the best approach to when I took it was to read and re-read those practice tests over and over again.
Oh and good luck (I've been in HR 8 years now and didn't even need to study much at all - I passed with a good score)
I took the SPHR and passed about 2 years ago. It wasn't hard for me, but I have about 20 years experience.
Having the letters after my name hasn't helped me directly, but indirectly I believe that people have been more "respectful" of my answers to their questions. It's like I took the test, got some initials, and that somehow indicates to the world that I now have a brain.
I received my PHR several years ago. I had experience generalist experience and recruitment experience. Up to that point I had a hard time breaking through to a management position. Shortly after recieving the designation I applied an HR Director Position overseeing multiple corporations with a "PHR preferred" in the job description, and I was offered the position. The designation just reinforced to the employer (who was aware of SHRM & the designation) that I am competent in the HR field.
I took and passed the SPHR test in January. It was a personal goal for me to do this. However, having worked my way up into the HR field at my company, passing this test added some validation to me as an HR professional. The other benefit was a reinforcement of the general base of knowledge that you cover while preparing for the test. I took a semester long prep course to help me prepare. In this class, we reviewed all the SHRM books. The other benefit was being in the class with other HR professionals seeking the same goal. I made some good contacts and networked. Also, more and more positions are requiring this certification. It also gives you a good feeling to know that you could pass the test. One thing I might suggest to you is the thing that my HR mentor told me - go for the gusto. Why take the PHR test when you could take the SPHR test? If you plan on getting the SPHR certification, I would suggest that you go ahead and take that test. This way, you won't have to go through all of this again to up your certification. That is what I did - I just took the SPHR.
Hope this is helpful.
I am new to this board and website. I stumbled across this upon researching PHR exam information.
I am the Coordinator of Human Resources for the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Flushing, NY where the US Open Tennis Championships are held every year. I am in transition of being promoted to Human Resources Manager.
I have no formal college education or HR related coursework. I have developed my experience hands on through working in the industry for 6 years, in different capacities.
I am interested in becoming a PHR or SPHR. Forgive me for my ignorance with this, but are there any prerequisites necessary before applying to take this exam? If so, what are they? And if not, how or where can I go about taking this exam?
I am planning on studying solely with the help of a PHR/SPHR Study Guide. There seems to be numerous on Would anyone offer any recommendations before I make this purchase?
I sincerely appreciate any of your help. Thanks so much in advance,
R.A.M. - I believe the only prerequisite is that you must have been in an exempt level position at any time in your HR career for 2 years in order to take the test. Have you checked out the SHRM web site? All of the info is there.
I would also like to know if anyone has recommendations on study materials. I was going to purchase the SHRM learning system but would prefer not to spend that much if it's not necessary. Thanks!
I have been in HR for over 25 yrs and I just recieved my PHR this past December - I passed on the first attempt / I also took a the SHRM Learning Center.....The best adavice that I can offer is.....Read the assignments and test, test, test, test, test......all the time......the disc that comes with the learning system is has over 500 questions, the books are just as good... view the webcasts that come with the disc....they follow the lectures...use both of them.....test until it is second nature....I also used a program called wasnt necessary but it was a good program
Good Luck
Robert Miller, PHR