Online service provides "alibi" for employees who lie

I just read an article over the weekend about a website, called the Alibi Network, that will help authenticate a lie that a paying client makes--to family members, employers, etc.
Here's an excerpt: "Whether you are looking to skip a day of work or to secretly leave town for the weekend, Alibi Network can provide fake airline receipts or phone calls to your boss explaining your absence and even mock up an itinerary for a bogus conference you are 'attending.' Rarely has lying been so creepily aritight...The Chicago-based company charges from $75 for a simple phone call to thousands of dollars for extensive lying"
And check out this example:
"One working stiff asked the service to get out of a boring week-long training class that was mandated by his office. The solution: Alibi hired an actor to dress up as a courier and barge into the class, informing the man that his house had been robbed and he needed to go home right away."
I admit I first laughed when I read this, but then I started thinking about just how low people will go to cheat their employer (not to mention that a spokesperson from the company admits many clients use the service to cover up adultery)!
It's amazing that we're already up against so much in terms of employees who skip work, and then you read about resources like this one lining up to help them goof off and it's actually pretty sad....