Flu Shots
I'm interested in knowing how many companies offer flu shots to their employees? Do employees pay part of the cost, all of the cost or none? Are they given on-site? Obviously, they can't be mandatory, so approx. what percentage of your employees take the flu shot?
We have provided flu shots onsite at corporate headquarters for over 15 years, and currently have about 75% participation. The company pays the total cost for the employees' shots, and also for flu shots for the immediate family. It really doesn't pay to give Dad his flu shot and then have him stay home to take care of Mom and the kids when they get the flu! Experience has shown that we increase participation by serving food! You only get the pizza if you get your flu shot! At our satellite locations, we haven't found anyone to give the shots onsite. Therefore we will reimburse any employee up to $20.00 if they bring in the receipt for getting their flu shots. Again, we provide the same for the immediate family.
We offer flu shots to employees as well. In general, if an employee is covered under the company's insurance, the cost of the shot is covered. Others can pay for the shots (approximately $25) including family members. I like the pizza idea to increase participation. In the end, keeping employees well is what's best for the company. The flu can keep them out of work for a week or longer--multiply by a bunch of employees and things can come to a screeching halt!
My company offers flu shots, 100% paid by the company done on site by our local Visiting Nurses Association (VNA). If they can't make the flu clinic held at the office, we supply them with a voucher to obtain it at another VNA clinic held elsewhere.
Just be prepared for complaints if the pharmacy runs out of vaccine, has long lines, or has inconvenient times for the shots (i.e., during work hours).
and will you let employees take paid time off to walk the 3 blocks to get a shot during work hours? That may come up.
As a member of our local county chamber of commerce, we can get flu shot for employees onsite through the visiting nurse association. This year the cost is $30, which we are splitting with employees. They can also bring in relatives if they pay the $30.
I'm glad you posted this question. We are the lead non-profit, religious employer on an isolated campus that includes two other similar employers. Traditionally, I arrange for the flu shots and we have paid in full for our employees, billing back the apportioned rate to the other two. But this year the occupational health firm wants a $20 guarantee per shot, with 50 shots minimum. Previously it was about $12-15, depending on vaccine costs and no minimum. Last year, betwen all three agencies, we had 42 participants. This year, we have no funds to pay the costs for employees and the county health department is providing shots at $6 per for anyone in a risk category.
Is it worth the time and effort to arrange this? Should I guarantee less than the 42, assuming that folks will prefer to go to their own doctor and pay $10 copay instead, or go to the county health dept?
We offer flu shots and we pay for them for employees but they have to pay if a family member take them. We givem them onsite. We have about 60% participation.