Performance Appraisal Examples

I am looking for performance appraisal samples so that I do not have to recreate the wheel. My company, an engineering firm is using an outdated form and as part of strategic planning I need to come up with a new exempt and non exempt review that the managers will take the time to do. My email address is
Karen, My first reaction was to email you samples of what we use, but they are very time-consuming, and you requested something that the managers will take the time to do. The SHRM store on the SHRM website has quite a few good books that will help you with your appraisals.
Sent you some Perfomrance appraisel information by email to the above email. I think you will be able to use it. We developed it inhouse.
Good morning,
Since you need to come up with something for strategic planning, I would think an engineering firm may be open to a web-based performance system. They are much easier to manage, complete and store than paper forms. There are a lot of good ones out there that can customize the competencies associated with different positions within your organization. It may be worth looking into. I have had better success getting managers to complete these than paper evaluations.
I'm not a salesman... I came across an appraisal program that you can tailor for every job in your company and it's cheap. Contact a gentleman name Clyde Johnson at JCM Consulting, His phone is 801-322-3700. I love his program and you get very personalized service. We now use the program for a little over a thousand employees worldwide... yes, it can easily be translated into other languages.
I agree
Hi dana.
I think your opinions are ok. Tks and keep posting.
This link: performance appraisal examples
also have over 10 forms for free, we can explore (useful).
I agree: "The employees really appreciated the feedback and my HR department was
equally impressed and the best part is that each one was truly
individualized and I actually got them all turned in on time because it
was so easy to use"