Who's the (TV) Boss?

In this week's HR Strange but True! column, we wrote about a survey asking workers to identify the TV bosses who are most similar to their own boss. What TV boss reminds you of a current or former boss? Let us know in this thread.
You can read the HR Strange but True! article here:
Hey, my boss looks and acts like Lou Grant from the Mary Tyler Moore Show down to yelling and the bottle of whiskey in the bottom drawer. However, like Charlie, he is mostly an absentee boss in the winter, so it's tolerable.
Hi--I don't have a boss that reminds me of any boss on TV either, which is probably a good thing right?
I mean, most bosses from sitcoms are either clueless --like Michael Scott of The Office or, going back to the '80s, Mr. Carlson from WKRP in Cincinatti--or not that nice (even while being incredibly funny), like Danny Devito's character, Louie DePalma from Taxi.
One good TV sitcom boss was Col. Potter on Mash. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Another great boss was Lt. Arthur Fancy on NYPD Blue. Hs relationship with Andy Sipowitz is an example of a boss getting the most out of a talented but difficult and troubled employee. His support of Andy's work helped Andy change and develop. By the time Fancy left, there was much mutual respect between them.
The best boss on TV now, in my opinion, is Deputy Chief Brenda Johnson on the closer. She has won the respect of many in her squad who were not happy when she first took over. She is loyal to her staff and protects them when their zeal for their work that she has instilled in them or the idiosyncrasies that make them good detectives could get them in hot water. In return, they are now loyal to her.