IM'ing at work

It has come to my attention that several of my employees have installed and are instant messaing on their computers. We have an internet use/email policy, but we really don't enforce it too harshly. We figure as long as the employees are getting their work done, it's fine. But, this seems to be something diffrent...more time consuming than just emailing. Have any of you dealt with this issue? I almost feel like it would inconsistent if all of a sudden we cracked down when we really haven't before.
Hey, would you let your employees go to other workers' desks and chat away? Probably not. So why let them instant message?
HR or IT should send out a general e-mail stating that instant messaging is not allowed on company computers and on company time. You can attach a copy of the policy.
At least this proves the company does not condone IM'ing if someone is being harassed in the workplace.
If employees want to instant message, they can do it on their own equipment on their own time (lunch, breaks).
i was reading one of the e-newsletters i get, and there was a 2 part article about how IM'ing can actually cause security issues...check them out...
As with anything in the workplace, you have to set up some rules for IMing
State that IMs are suited for short amounts of information that need to be received immediately (quotes, PO numbers, delivery times, phone numbers). E-mail should be used for longer communications.
IMs should not be used as a substitute for oral communication with clients, vendors, or inhouse colleagues.
IMs may not be used when transmitting confidential, proprietary, or trade secret information.
All company security procedures apply to IMs and procedures regarding antivirus software must be followed.
Hope this helps!