Workplace Peddlers

We have employees who put sales brochures and flyers in the employee
cafeteria advertising products and services they sell through home
businesses. One guy gives hot air balloon rides, one sells handcrafts,
etc. Some of these entrepreneurs have also approached employees to
"let them know" about their businesses and some employees have
mentioned that they shouldn't have to listen to a sales pitch in the
workplace. Any suggestions?
cafeteria advertising products and services they sell through home
businesses. One guy gives hot air balloon rides, one sells handcrafts,
etc. Some of these entrepreneurs have also approached employees to
"let them know" about their businesses and some employees have
mentioned that they shouldn't have to listen to a sales pitch in the
workplace. Any suggestions?
This drives me nuts, too. I think it's totally fine to post your flyer or leave a brochure around (in fact, it's nice to know if people are selling somethig you may want) but approaching people is just rude.
Another issue this bring up is your nonsolicitation policy, if you have one. You can't prohibit union solicitation or distribution if these activities are allowed for other purposes (except for onceo or twice a year for charity).
This is always annoying. I think the weirdest fundraiser item anyone ever pitched to me were vidalia onions! The company I work at now has a non-solicitation policy which prohibits selling things/distributing literature during worktime at the work place.
If you are not a manager, but the person who is peddling is a manger, is there a polite way of telling him/ her that you're not interested?
It's such an awkward situation! I never know what to say and end up sitting there for 20 minutes listening to a sales pitch when I would rather be doing my work.