Is "You go girl!" offensive?

I recently read in the Boston Globe (May 27, 2007, "Make sure company's hires and fliers reflect its desire for diversity," by Joan Cirillo), the following question written by a concerned manager:
Q. I am a fairly new supervisor, and I have been pulled in to a rather sensitive situation.
One of my Caucasian staff members said to one of my people of color: "You go girl!" The person of color took offense, though I am convinced that nothing mean-spirited was meant by the remark.
However, though they talked this out, the Caucasian staff member says that she and co-workers feel like they are always "walking on eggshells."
I was really surprised to read this question, because I have used this phrase many times (both in and out of the workplace) to encourage co-workers or friends, and never realized that some people might find this phrase offensive.
Legally, would this be a phrase to shy away from in the workplace? Or is this employee overreacting? Wondered if anyone had an opinion....
According to the Urban Dictionary (, "you go girl" is a phrase of encouragement or praise for doing something right that only should be said by females, so it probably wasn't meant to be offensive.
In fact, a reporter used the phrase in describing Ruth Bader Ginsburg's dissent on the recent pay discrimination case.