Making Employees Work on Memorial Day?
we have Memorial Day scheduled as paid holiday, but we have a big deadline coming up and want to ask employees to work on that day. how do you handle this type of situation? do you offer an incentive for working on scheduled days off? is it necessary? is there any law requiring us to pay employees extra for working?
Check your company handbook for your holiday policy. You don't mention if you are a 7-day company (retail, service) or a 5-day company. Also, you don't mention if you are planning on having mostly hourly employees work the holiday.
Since Memorial Day is secular, there should be no conflict with religious observance.
Our policy is that if an exempt employee must work a company holiday, his or her superior may authorize alternate time off with pay at a later date, equal to the amount of time worked on the holiday, but at the convenience of the company and employees. Hourly employees are given time and one half for working a holiday.
We are a 24/7 operation. When employees have to work the holiday...they receive their holiday pay and their straight time wages for the hours worked.