Conflicting Stories

In our office we have had a sexual harassment issue. We have sat down and talked with both sides, but the problem is both stories differ so much. They are both adamant that they are telling the truth. We want to make sure that we are doing everything right and we have had one other instance that was dealt with really easily. We don't want to overkill the issue, but how do you be fair to both sides where the one feeling harassed feels that you defended them and the one being accused doesn't feel like we are coming down on him for something "they didn't do".
If it is a matter of telling the truth, what would you suggest doing to get more of the truth? Any suggestions as to how to handle the situation so both sides feel that it was dealt with justly? The one problem is there was no one else around, which they both said they wish there was someone else who was around at the time.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Is the person being accused the accuser's manager or supervisor? Or are they colleagues?
Was the harassment verbal or was there touching involved? Was it a one-time incident ?
Joy is right, tt would be a good idea to get the texts, especially if each employee has a different version of the story.
Anyway, a good compromise may be to separate the employees so they have the least amount of contact possible.
I wasn't clear if these were personal phones or they were issued by your company.
Here are some things to consider for your instant messaging policy:
Use of instant messaging during work hours should be limited to work-related matters only, but not regarding confidential, proprietary, or trade secret information.
Instant messages are limited to matters that need immediate attention, such as an address or phone number. Use e-mail or the telephone for general communication.
Instant messages sent during working hours must not violate company policies.
Personal use of instant messaging should be incidental and not used to communicate with other workers.
Personal messages sent during working hours should be labeled "personal and not authorized by XXX company."
Hope this helps.