Weather Wimps

As we dig out here from the mountains of snow, we have noticed that a number of employees are still choosing to remain home. Since we are located in the northwest, we are accustomed to the snow and the county is pretty good about clearing the roads, so safety is probably only an issue for those who live in more remote areas. Once the schools have reopened, we believe that employees should be returning to work. Does anyone have suggestions for how to get weather "wimps" back to work? A policy? Should we treat employees in more remote areas differently?
Your policy on inclement weather should state that unless roads are closed by the Department of Transportation, your company is open, and employees are expected to report to work. Also include something like "each employee should observe weather and road conditions in his or her area and decide whether it is unduly hazardous to attempt to drive to work. The company does not expect employees to take an unreasonable risk attempting to drive to work; however, nonexempt employees not reporting to work will not be paid for the day. Exempt workers not reporting may take the day as a vacation day with a supervisor's approval."
Since there is no public transportation for your employees in rural areas, they must drive themselves. You could contract with a local driving school to come in and give a training session on proper techniques for driving on ice and snow, which might give some timid drivers more confidence.
To be honest, I think that employees who come in all stressed from driving in and then are nervous all day about driving home aren't very productive. If a number of employees are out for a snow day, use this as a chance to see how your emergency planning procedures work, i.e., are enough line employees crosstrained to keep production going, etc.
Reg, I have some questions for you--
Has this employee self-identified as having asthma? If so, she may not be a "hot-weather wimp." Does she have enough vacation or sick days to use to stay home during heat waves? Or, are you willing to accommodate her by letting her telecommute on days where there is an alert for unacceptable air quality?
Right this may be an accommodation issue under the ADA depending upon what her health condition is... the EEOC has said that telework can be a reasonable accommodation under certain circumstances.
But, if she just doesn't like hot weather...then i wouldn't let her work at home. Everyone would be making that excuse, then hanging out by their pools!