Pay Cards

I read an article about how McDonald's has been sued because of its pay cards (see below) and it made me wonder if many employers use pay cards and how it's worked out for them.
So, if your organization utilizes pay cards, please let me know about your experiences. What kind of cards do you use? Have your employees had issues with them? Are you for or against using them?
So, if your organization utilizes pay cards, please let me know about your experiences. What kind of cards do you use? Have your employees had issues with them? Are you for or against using them?
Prior to this law, employees who received a paycheck and did not have bank accounts were subject to steep fees at check cashing businesses. Now those employees can go to a local bank to get their cash and the employer pays any fees.
It is great to use for terms or missed hours on a pay check because we can instant load the cards. Each store has an inventory of cards for this purpose.
We use the ADP pay cards since we process our payroll with them. They did give us a fabulous deal.
Some of our more chronologically gifted retirees were not happy.
Here is a link to an article about pay cards in today's NY Times. tk
Employees can also receive daily texts with their balance or log on to the website and see all their transactions with no fees.