I just have to share

[I]We are looking for someone to fill a position selling group benefits. I recently had a discussion onine on LinkedIn where the discussion was that too often we limit ourselves because we narrowly look at the job description and qualifications. It is possible someone doesn't quite fit those, but is really the best person to get the results we want. Keeping that in mind, I altered a rejection email for someone who applied for the position, in case we could make it work. I really knew he wasn't going to measure up by his resume, but I wanted to give him every opportunity. No good deed goes unpunished. 
Here is what he sent me (I have deleted or altered info for privacy):[/I]
I am the best saleman in the world...
My resume:
(Name and info deleted)
2009-2013 - Self employed - Securities Investments
2007-2009 - XXXXX Car Dealership (Denver)- Sales
2006-2007 - XXXXX Car Dealership (Denver)- Sales (hired me back in 2012, I moved to Kansas)
2003-2006 - Writer-self (Denver)- Novel, Movie deal with Warner Brothers
2002-2003 - XXXXX Car Dealership (Denver) - XXXXX Sales
1999-2002 - XXXXX Inn (Denver)- Manger
1988-1999 - Securities Industry (Denver)- Paine Webber, Morgan Stanley-Dean Witter, Prudential, Stifel Nicolas - Held 7, 8, 3 and 63 licences.
1980 - Owned and Operated Furniture Stores
1977-1981 Fort Hays University / Business Administration
1981-1983 Barton County Community College / Accounting
1974-1976 -Minnapolis Art Institute / Garphic Design
Dale Carnegie, Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Grant Cardone, Dean Witter, Mutual of Omaha sales Training. 3 years of Telivision and radio commericals and wrote print, Mercedes Benz top salesman in USA, owned and operated chain of furniture store in 80's. State wrestling Champion
[I]I put him in my rejection pile, but wanting to give him the benefit of a doubt based on the Linkedin conversation I altered my rejection letter:[/I]
Thank you for your interest in our open position, Group Benefit Consultant. This position requires 2 years minimum experience selling group health or other group benefits. When you say Securities Investments, I assume that is to individuals and not groups? If it was to groups, let me know and I will look at your resume again. If not, I am sorry to say the job experience on your resume does not match our criteria.
We will keep your application on file in the event a position with a better match becomes open.
[I]I received an immediate response which I am copying with no changes:[/I]
(The subject line was changed from "Job" to "Job..BS")
whats the difference between a group ad a individual..maybe if your company look at your client as individuals and less like a herd of cattle so to speak...your success ratio would possiably rise... Mooooooo ing on..I have no interest in rude nrgative narrow minded thinking people or comapanies. Your loss renea .... your loss..because you just passed on the world greatest salesman.... and FYI ..i have addrees 1000's at a time and millions on TV through advertising commercials i have done for years.
See ya... you probably couldnt pay me enough anyway
PS..learn how to write a lettter with a little tiny bit of comassion..I myself could care less, meant many people like you in my years..but some desperate young person with a family trying desperatly to find work doesnt need you crude ill written rejection letters. Get a clue girl!
[I]Someone up above has saved me from a serious mistake.[/I] ::angelsmile::

Here is what he sent me (I have deleted or altered info for privacy):[/I]
I am the best saleman in the world...
My resume:
(Name and info deleted)
2009-2013 - Self employed - Securities Investments
2007-2009 - XXXXX Car Dealership (Denver)- Sales
2006-2007 - XXXXX Car Dealership (Denver)- Sales (hired me back in 2012, I moved to Kansas)
2003-2006 - Writer-self (Denver)- Novel, Movie deal with Warner Brothers
2002-2003 - XXXXX Car Dealership (Denver) - XXXXX Sales
1999-2002 - XXXXX Inn (Denver)- Manger
1988-1999 - Securities Industry (Denver)- Paine Webber, Morgan Stanley-Dean Witter, Prudential, Stifel Nicolas - Held 7, 8, 3 and 63 licences.
1980 - Owned and Operated Furniture Stores
1977-1981 Fort Hays University / Business Administration
1981-1983 Barton County Community College / Accounting
1974-1976 -Minnapolis Art Institute / Garphic Design
Dale Carnegie, Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Grant Cardone, Dean Witter, Mutual of Omaha sales Training. 3 years of Telivision and radio commericals and wrote print, Mercedes Benz top salesman in USA, owned and operated chain of furniture store in 80's. State wrestling Champion
[I]I put him in my rejection pile, but wanting to give him the benefit of a doubt based on the Linkedin conversation I altered my rejection letter:[/I]
Thank you for your interest in our open position, Group Benefit Consultant. This position requires 2 years minimum experience selling group health or other group benefits. When you say Securities Investments, I assume that is to individuals and not groups? If it was to groups, let me know and I will look at your resume again. If not, I am sorry to say the job experience on your resume does not match our criteria.
We will keep your application on file in the event a position with a better match becomes open.
[I]I received an immediate response which I am copying with no changes:[/I]
(The subject line was changed from "Job" to "Job..BS")
whats the difference between a group ad a individual..maybe if your company look at your client as individuals and less like a herd of cattle so to speak...your success ratio would possiably rise... Mooooooo ing on..I have no interest in rude nrgative narrow minded thinking people or comapanies. Your loss renea .... your loss..because you just passed on the world greatest salesman.... and FYI ..i have addrees 1000's at a time and millions on TV through advertising commercials i have done for years.
See ya... you probably couldnt pay me enough anyway
PS..learn how to write a lettter with a little tiny bit of comassion..I myself could care less, meant many people like you in my years..but some desperate young person with a family trying desperatly to find work doesnt need you crude ill written rejection letters. Get a clue girl!
[I]Someone up above has saved me from a serious mistake.[/I] ::angelsmile::
Yes, you were saved!
He was obviously furious at my rejection, but I have never known a good salesperson who couldn't take rejection with dignity.
Someone definitely was looking out for you