FMLA - Physical Therapy
I need some help! We have an employee who is on an intermittent family medical leave. Her physician completed a certification in August that identified the need for this employee to miss work at any point without prior notice when her condition flares up. He has also listed physical therapy 3 - 5 times a week. In February, I was provided with information that proved this employee was abusing her FML and she was disciplined under our attendance policy for not having sick hours to cover her absences that were not FML related. At this time I also requested another certifiaction from her physician and it was completed and returned. The new certification is now listing physical therapy 5 - 10 times a week depending on how she feels. The employee was scheduling her physical therapy after work but has now requested that she use FML hours to do this during work. Her shift ends at 3:30 pm. Do we have the right to tell her that she cannot take off work and that she should schedule her appointments after work? Our other question is can we request the employee to give us specific times, dates, and the length of her physical therapy appointments to verify that she isn't abusing her FML again?
The [URL=""]free fake doctors note[/URL] are good for taking leave from office and are easily available on web.
This forum is for HR professionals to discuss HR-related topics with one another. Medical advice isn't covered by that umbrella so you may want to redirect your question to one of the many medical forums available online.
Best wishes for resolving your situation.
I would just like to see them fix the forum so we can click on New Posts before many of our members give up and leave.
We're working on the issue with new posts and hope to have it resolved soon. In the meantime, we hope you'll hang in there with us.
Best wishes to all for a wonderful holiday season!
Our sick leave policy says that wherever possible an employee should schedule medical appointments with the least interference to their work schedule. Don't know if FMLA allows for that as well?