Against Doctor's Orders

Pregnant employee has been ordered to 2 weeks of bedrest. If she wanted to ignore doctor's orders and return to work, can she? At this point, I have no paperwork stating that she must be off work. It got me wondering 1) normally we don't require doctor certification for pregnancy, so do I need paperwork for this (I think yes)? 2) Are people "allowed" to disregard recommendations from their doctors regardless if we have FMLA paperwork or not? I can see both sides. As an employer we wouldn't want something to happen and be covered by worker's comp (would her going into preterm labor be covered by WC anyway??), but if you as the employee/patient don't agree with the doctor's opinion, shouldn't you have the right to do what you want with your body? I may be opening an opinionated can of worms, but apparently today is a day of questioning authority.

I'm not saying this is going to happen, it was simply an "inquiring minds want to know" kind of thing.
If she was only off a day or two and what you heard was a rumor you must handle things differently. If it was me, I would simply talk to the employee. I would tell her the rumor and ask if it was true (not asking for details). If she says yes, then you go back to the fit for duty requirement. If she says no then you must let it go. Either way, you need to be compassionate and still be professional so that her privacy is not invaded.
Just my 2 cents.
Thanks for the feedback!
We were never worried about the whole worker's comp angle, it just seems to make sense that with a condition like pregnancy that can end up being delicate for a variety of reasons, we don't want to take any chances with our employees' health.
When I started here 30 years ago, we actually required pregnant employees to obtain documentation from their doctor stating that it was okay for them to keep working past a certain point in their pregnancy, whether or not they were having any problems. I didn't work in HR at the time, but I've seen notes to that effect in several of our longtime employee's files.