Discipline and Intermittent FML

How does your agency handle an individual who is on intermittent FML, and uses that as an explanation everytime she doesn't get her work done? This individual wants to claim harassment by the supervisor because there are still expectations of timely deadlines which she claims are harassment because the work can't be accomplished if she's out on FML. This individual has gone so far as to ask the management to quantify what tasks must be completed if she is gone 5-10% of her week, 10-15% and so forth.
Here are four HR Hero Line articles that address FMLA intermittent leave abuse. Hope they help. tk
From KY Employment Law Letter ... [URL]http://bit.ly/GUfNp0[/URL]
From VA Employment Law Letter ... [URL]http://bit.ly/wUJJ8i[/URL]
From OK Employment Law Letter ... [URL]http://bit.ly/oiJB6l[/URL]
From Federal Employment Law Insider ... [URL]http://bit.ly/JeASeT[/URL]