FMLA and Physical Therapy

I have been reviewing the regs as to how they relate to physical therapy. Section 825.115(e)(2) lists physical therapy. We have a number of employees having this every year and a lot of them make up their time. How do you handle employees having physical therapy?
We allow employees to make up missed time whenever possible, so making up time for physical theapy would be allowed unless the time of their appointments, or the number of them, caused a particular hardship.
I think it comes down to culture and business needs. We don't have a lot of FMLA users, and we do allow people to make up their time. If we had someone who needed a lot of physical therapy but wanted to make up their time, I would probably put something in writing. It would clarify the employee had to make up their time before the time off or on the same day as the therapy, and if not, it they would not be able to make it up. So for example, an employee might have an appointment on Thursday at 3:300 (we close at 4:30). They would need to make up the hour before 3:30 Thursday, or it would be FMLA time off. They would not be able to make it up afterwards. We would probably be ok, but we would want to avoid any suggestion of designating FMLA retroactively.
I am sure others on here have run into this situation and have better ideas. Frank? Other Forumites?