
I think I have had a brain freeze, or maybe it is just a senior moment (leave it alone Frank!).
When you have employees sign an acknowledgement for receipt of SPDs or Plan Documents, does it just say they received it, or do you have something in there about reading it too?
When you have employees sign an acknowledgement for receipt of SPDs or Plan Documents, does it just say they received it, or do you have something in there about reading it too?
"I have read the XXX Policy and I agree to abide by the company's current and future policies. I understand that if I do not abide by the company's policy I may be subject to disciplinary actions up to and including termination."
"Signing below signifies that the employee agrees to the terms and conditions of the agreement stated above."
"I, _______ have received a copy of the Employee Handbook. The employee handbook contains many of the policies, procedures, and rules that apply to me. I agree to read the handbook and follow it during my employment with XX. I further understand it may be amended at any time and the changes supersede any previous handbook or written policies. I have read the above information and I acknowledge that it is a correct statement of my employment status."