I don't know of any standard question sets, but all my investigations pretty much run through the same information:
1. Please describe to me, in your own words, what happened. Include where it happened, who was involved, when it happened, and how it happened. 2. Were any witnesses present? 3. Does anyone else have knowledge of this situation? 4. Was this the first incident? 5. Who initiated said incident? 6. How did the situation end? 7. Will you put a statement in writing?
Hope this helps get you started. I find there's often not one way to do these things - questions are going to come up as you learn more from the interviewee.
I always close with Is there anything else you want to add? I have a standard blurb about confidentiality and often seek to clarify what resolution they are seeking. .
I agree with the above posts, but I type up their responses while they are talking with me. (I start the interview with an explanation of what will happen and how it will go.) Then I read it back to them to make sure I got it right. People almost always add something when they hear it read back to them. Plus, they know that I am really getting what they are trying to tell me. Then I print and have them sign it right there. I have never had anyone claim I got something wrong later, or that they didn't say what they said.
When they leave the room, I tell them if they think of anything else to please come back and talk to me. I have only had someone come back once. Taking the time to type and read it back gives them plenty of time to remember everything they need to say.
[QUOTE=llambert;723129]Does anyone know where I can find a good set of standard questions that I can use for internal investigations?[/QUOTE]
does anyone have a suggestion as to how often harassment seminars should be conducted? Once a year, once every 2 years? Anything written about this? Txs. Toni
Thank goodness I have not had to conduct many of these but I do always include what Paul mentioned and ask them what they feel needs to be done and what is the outcome they expect.
[quote=tcastro;723218]does anyone have a suggestion as to how often harassment seminars should be conducted? Once a year, once every 2 years? Anything written about this? Txs. Toni[/quote]
To tcastro,
your first post! Welcome to the Forum. :welcome:
PS: I would conduct sexual harassment training at least annually, with a refresher, perhaps, if a problem pops up in the workplace.
We have a trainer come in every two years to conduct Anti-Harassment training (including sexual, religion, nationality, etc) and Prohibition of Workplace Violence training. New hires take webinars on the topics if they missed the classroom-style training.
Our written policy just says that we will provide periodic training on those topics.
1. Please describe to me, in your own words, what happened. Include where it happened, who was involved, when it happened, and how it happened.
2. Were any witnesses present?
3. Does anyone else have knowledge of this situation?
4. Was this the first incident?
5. Who initiated said incident?
6. How did the situation end?
7. Will you put a statement in writing?
Hope this helps get you started. I find there's often not one way to do these things - questions are going to come up as you learn more from the interviewee.
Good luck!
I have a standard blurb about confidentiality and often seek to clarify what resolution they are seeking. .
The tricky part is that you can't let the employee dictate how you respond but it can be helpful to gauge what they expect to happen.
When they leave the room, I tell them if they think of anything else to please come back and talk to me. I have only had someone come back once. Taking the time to type and read it back gives them plenty of time to remember everything they need to say.
does anyone have a suggestion as to how often harassment seminars should be conducted? Once a year, once every 2 years? Anything written about this? Txs. Toni
To tcastro,
your first post! Welcome to the Forum. :welcome:
PS: I would conduct sexual harassment training at least annually, with a refresher, perhaps, if a problem pops up in the workplace.
Our written policy just says that we will provide periodic training on those topics.