Catching A Few Z's

Everyone has probably heard about the air traffic controller in DC who was apparently asleep at the wheel early Wednesday morning. If you haven't, click [URL=""]here[/URL] for a report from the Washington Post.
So far, the air traffic controller has been drug tested and suspended. How would you respond it if an employee in your organization was caught sleeping on the job? Is this issue covered in your policies?
So far, the air traffic controller has been drug tested and suspended. How would you respond it if an employee in your organization was caught sleeping on the job? Is this issue covered in your policies?
Also caught a teller asleep, head down on the counter at a remote drive-in facility. This had been going on for some time before we found out - she is no longer with us.
One was a night shift at a hotel from 11 pm until 7 am. I was taking a full load of daytime classes so you can see how that would happen. While I slept I dreampt the hotel burnt down and I woke up in a panic.
The other one (where I was caught) was in a high end retail department store. I caught some zzzs during a "break" in the back room. I was caught and reprimanded (but not fired).
So neither of those experiences were positive.
Silly! He modeled all the ladies fine
My shining moment was the day my manager Betsy introduced me to the corporate executives (all women) and I pointed to a nearby display and said.......
"How do you like the ties, girls?"